NUTRITIONAL COMPOSITION, VITAMIN AND MINERAL CONTENTS OF Piper guineense, Xylopia aethiopica, AND Monodora myristica

NUTRITIONAL COMPOSITION, VITAMIN AND MINERAL CONTENTS OF Piper guineense, Xylopia aethiopica, AND Monodora myristica


  1. Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria, P.M.B 410001, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria.

Afr. J Pharm Res Dev; Volume 16(3): 97-104   ; 2024


An extensive body of research has consistently shown that most plants utilized as herbs possess therapeutic properties and serve as reservoirs of both nutritional and non-nutritive compounds. A diverse array of these compounds demonstrates a broad spectrum of health advantages, encompassing antioxidant and antibacterial properties that help protect the human body against infections and cellular oxidative processes. This study examines the vitamin, mineral, and nutritional makeup of three well-known African spices: African nutmeg (Monodora myristica), African guinea pepper (Xylopia aethiopica), and West African black pepper (Piper guineense). Though their extensive nutritional profiles are less well-documented in scientific research, these spices are essential to traditional African medicine and food. The study adopted the experimental method, and the samples were analyzed in triplicates. The IBM SPSS (version 25) statistical package was used in analyzing the results. The results show that P. guineense has the highest Iron content (68.75 mg/dl), Sodium content (287 mmol/L), and Chromium content (8.5 mg/dl); X. aethiopica has the highest Manganese content (3.35 mg/dl), while M. myristica is very high in sodium (287 mmol/L), potassium (304.50 IU) and phosphorus (282.20 mg/dl). P. guineense is richest in vitamin A (1747. 52 IU), and vitamin B2 (0.12 mg/dl), while M. myristica gave the highest amount of vitamin D (65.0 IU) and vitamin E (5.70 mg/100g). All three spices have high fiber content and are rich in dietary lipids, proteins, and carbs, according to proximate study of the seeds. Mineral examination revealed that these spices are good suppliers of macro minerals including sodium, potassium, and phosphorus; significant amounts of trace minerals, including manganese and iron, were also found. According to the study’s findings, Piper guineense, Xylopia aethiopica, and Monodora myristica are considered functional foods since they have significant nutritional and therapeutic value in addition to culinary advantages.


Keywords:Xylopia aethiopica, Monodora myristica, Piper guineense, Proximate analysis, Vitamins, Minerals

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