Volume 1 (Issue 1), 2004

Extraction and characterization of microcrystalline clellulose derived from Luffa cylindrical plant



Ohwoavworhua FO, Kunle OO and Ofoefule SI ; Page 1-6


Glucose Lowering Effect Of Parenteral Dose Of Phenformin Of Expected Low Serum Perturbations

Attama AA and Adikwu MU ; Page 7-10


Mechanisms Of Theophylline Release From Encapsulated Sustained Release Theophylline Granules Formulated From Abelmoschus Esculentus Gumapdf

Onunkwu GC and Udeala OK ; Page 11-16


A Study Of In Vitro Adsorption Of The Anti-Amoebic Drugs: Metronidazole And Chloroquine Phosphate On Magnesium Trisilicate, Maize And Tacca Involucrata Starches

Chukwu KI, Ofokansi KC, Ogbonna O and Ibezim EC; Page 17-21


Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of non-biologically active by-product of Dracaena manni fruit pulp Baker (Fam. Agavaceae) pdf

Odoh UE, Ezugwu CO and Ebebe IM; Page 22-26


A Comparative Study Of The In Vitro Adsorption Of Some Drugs On Activated Charcoal pdf

Ofoefule SI, Ibezim EC and Orisakwe OE; Page 27-31


A Hospital Outpatients Understanding Of Their Medication Instructions pdf

Okonta JM, Ukwe CV and Udeogaranya PO; Page 32-34


Patterns Of Drug Storage In Some Nigerian Health Institutions: A Case Study Of Delta State



Ibezim EC and Anunandu L; Page 35-38


Antidiabetic Property Of Detarium Microcarpium Guill And Perr. Gum (Family: Caesalpinaceae)

Odoh UE, Ezugwu CO, Nwodo JN and Ajali U; Page 39-41


Disintegrant Action Of Pleurotus Tuber-Regium (Singer: Fr) Powder In Paracetamol Tablets: Effect Of Compression Pressure


Onyekweli AO, Iwuagwu MA, Okore VC and Nwabuebo AA ; Page 42-45

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